Marconi Society Names Four 2017 Paul Baran Young Scholars
Cutting edge researchers drive significant advances in machine learning, wireless communications, and network localization and navigation
Cutting edge researchers drive significant advances in machine learning, wireless communications, and network localization and navigation
Do you know an outstanding young researcher in networking and communications? Each year the Marconi Society, dedicated to furthering scientific achievements in communications and related technologies,
Ground-breaking work will add speed and capacity to 5G wireless networks
Developing “foundational knowledge’ to change the future of wireless communications
Making full duplex radios a reality
Marie-Skłodowska Curie Global Research Fellow, Studying at the University of Ferrara and MIT, Focuses on Location-Awareness
Leading edge research will fulfill the promise of 5G and the Internet of Things
Recognized for groundbreaking work on “temporal cloaking”
Mountain View, CA • Kartik Venkat, a doctoral candidate at Stanford University Electrical Engineering School, has been selected to receive the 2015 Marconi Society Paul
Ken Pesyna, University of Texas Graduate Student, to Receive the 2015 Marconi Society Young Scholar Award
Kiseok Song Receives the 2014 Marconi Society Young Scholar Award Mountain View, CA, August 28, 2014 –Kiseok Song, a Ph.D candidate at Korea Advanced Institute
Marconi Society Selects Himanshu Asnani for 2014 Paul Baran Young Scholar Award