Young Scholar Award recipient

"This recognition not only amplifies my voice within the scientific community but also validates the risk-taking required to pursue challenging problems. I'm excited about the platform it provides to inspire students, showing them that with passion and perseverance, they too can contribute to groundbreaking research at any stage of their journey."

Nakul Garg, 2024

Research Area

Integration of sensing, computing, and communication into our everyday environments with energy efficiency, scalability, and robustness.

Current Position

PhD Candidate, University of Maryland, College Park


  • PhD, Computer Science, University of Maryland, College Park
  • Bachelor of Technology, ECE, IPU, Delhi, India

Young Scholar Research

Nakul’s research to enable sustainable ambient intelligence, the seamless integration of sensing, computing, and communication into everyday environments, is used to tackle challenges in areas like agriculture and environmental monitoring. Nakul’s research focus areas include integration of sensing, computing, and communication into our everyday environments with energy efficiency, scalability, and robustness.

Other Honors

  • CPS Rising Star 2024
  • SPiDR featured in ACM GetMobile, Dec’23 2023
  • Best Poster Award ACM MobiSys 2023
  • SPiDR is the SIGMOBILE Research Highlight 2023
  • Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship 2023
  • Future Faculty Fellowship 2023
  • Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award 2023
  • Best Paper Award ACM MobiSys 2022
  • Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Award 2022
  • Owlet featured on cover of ACM GetMobile, June’21 2021
  • Best Demo Award ACM MobiSys 2021
  • University of Maryland CS Summer Research Fellowship 2021
  • Travel Grant ACM HotMobile 2020
  • University of Maryland Graduate School Dean’s Fellowship 2019
  • Outstanding Student Volunteer Award by IEEE Delhi Section. 2018
  • Winner of World Food India Hackathon. Awarded by the President of India. 2017
  • Winner of Celestini Project India by Marconi Society. 2017
  • Travel Grant ACM Mobicom 2017
  • Winner of eYantra – National Robotics Competition, IIT Bombay 2017