Current Young Scholar Role
Former Chair
Research Area
Cloud and mobile computing innovations that allow cloud and mobile applications to be more secure, and performance of clouds to be measured in a standard, reproducible, and meaningful way.
Current Position
Product Security, Mongo DB
- Ph.D. Computer Science, Columbia University
- MS, Computer Science, Columbia University
- BS, Computer System Engineering, GIK Institute of Sciences and Technology
Young Scholar Research
- Building the IBM Containers cloud service
- Failure Diagnosis for Distributd Systems using Targeted Fault
- Resource Location and Discovery Base Protocol (RELOAD)
Other Honors
- SPEC (Standard Performance Evaluation) Presidential Award for leading the design and implementation of first industry standard infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) cloud benchmark
- Served as the chair of distributed and fault tolerant computing professional interest community (PIC) in IBM from 2013-2014. Organized two workshops on Cloud Computing
- IBM Extra Ordinary Accomplishment Award
- IBM Research Division, and Fourth Plateau Awards
Fun Fact
I garden in Mathatten!