Young Scholar Award recipient

Tara Boroushaki, 2024

Research Area

Sensing and mobile technologies with applications in wireless networking, cyber-physical systems (including robotics), and human-computer interaction (HCI).

Current Position

PhD Candidate, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology MA, USA
  • Master of Sciences, Digital Communication and Multimedia, Massachusetts Institute of Technology MA, USA
    • Thesis: Robotic Grasping of Fully-Occluded Objects using RF Perception
  • B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology Tehran, Iran

Young Scholar Research

By developing next-generation mobile systems that fuse computer vision with radio frequency (RF) signals, Tara’s research will enable tasks in robotics and augmented reality that were previously not feasible, such as new and more efficient robotic tasks across warehouses, manufacturing plants, and smart homes. Tara’s research focuses on sensing and mobile technologies with applications in wireless networking, cyber-physical systems (including robotics), and human-computer interaction (HCI).

Other Honors

  • Microsoft Research PhD Fellow 2022-2024
  • IEEE RFID ’23 Best Paper Award 2023
  • Meta Research PhD Fellowship (declined in favor of Microsoft fellowship) 2022-2024
  • RFusion in “103 Ways MIT is Making the World Better” 2022
  • ACM SenSys ’21 Best Paper Award Finalist 2021
  • Neekeyfard Fund Award